On Saturday, April 7, Paralegal Stephanie Carty, volunteered as a judge for the American Legion, Department of New Hampshire, Junior Oratorical Contest at the NH Institute for Politics on the Campus of St. Anselm College. Participants in the American Legion Oratorical Contest develop leadership qualities, the ability to think and speak clearly and intelligently, and are better prepared for the acceptance of the duties and responsibilities, for the rights and privileges of American citizenship. The Junior contest, children in 6th through 8th grade, is a pathway to the High School Oratorical Contest. The program is designed to create interest, foster appreciation and gain a better understanding of the United States. A single main speech topic related the United States Constitution is required with a length of 3 to 5 minutes, as well as an “Assigned Topic” that must consume 2 to 4 minutes of the presenter’s delivery. Stephanie is an active member of R.A. Mitchell Unit 51 American Legion Auxiliary. The American Legion family is the nation’s largest veterans service organization. For more information about the American Legion’s mission and programs please go to https://www.legion.org/